Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear John

SO we started watching dear john in class today. I hear it's a sad movie near the end. But so far we are in the beginning part and it's quite cute. you know classic plot for a chick flick. Girl and boy meet up during the summer, fall in love, then the boy has to leave for some reason. In dear john it's because he is in the military. Then, to keep in touch the promise to send letters to each other to keep in touch. I have a feeling this movie at some point is going to be a tear dripper, but i'm prepared. Try watching the boy in striped pajamas. Now THAT'S sad. I like how this movie is based off the novel by nicholas sparks. His work is AMAZING!!! You should definantely read the last song. The book is a million times better than the movie. I'm just going to wait and see how this ends. I'll probably cry but so will everyone else

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sinkhole in Guatemala

Check this out. In Guatemala there was severe flooding and then all a sudden there was this sinkhole that swallowed a three-storey building. Take a look at the picture yourself. It's soooo scary. How can things like that happen? It's almost like what you would see in a movie, the center of the Earth sucks in everything on the surface.

Monday, May 31, 2010

worlds top 1000 websites!

So you know, I was just looking at the world's top 1000 websites and a few there looked interesting. So I guess I will tell you what ones seem interesting:
Blogspot is number 7. That's interesting. I thought it would be ranked farther down then that.
I like Bing. It's number 13. I like Bing because it has that trip advisor to tell you when flight prices are going to be lower so that you can plan your trip and not spend lots of money! :)
Ebay is 24th on the list and I thought it would be ranked higher up closer to number one because soooo many people use it but whatever.
Well there's just a sample of what I thought was interesting. I'm not going through all 1000 to see what I like. :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


APP or CRAP? That's the question. In apple's App store there are apps that help parents do their parenting. There are even apps that help manage kids time-outs. I think this is a little over the top and I think old-School parenting is the best way to go. At least you get to talk to your child face to face instead of having an iPhone or ipod touch do all the interacting. And maybe kids are acting up and such because they don't get enough face to face time with their parents and too much time with the screen. It just seems a bit too crazy ans bizarre. Old-school all the way is what I have to say. Hey that rhymes!

My wordle!!!!

Wordle: volleyball


So at pixar they make amazing movies right? That's what I thought. But the people a Pixar have a strategy for cranking out such good movies. It all starts with the fun and interesting layout of the building. It helps all the creators and directors of the movies we love to think creatively and be productive. Instead of having a traditional workspace, Pixar provides employees with tons of out of this world unusual workspaces. As long as Pixar does this, they will be churning out hit movies time and time again. Saying that, I don't think that Pixar movies are ever finished because they leave room for people to think and expand on the subject. I don't think they are ever finished because the it gives the people at Pixar another reason to make another hit movie and rake in millions of dollars. They leave people wanting more so that when the new movie comes out, all the people that saw the previous movie will come and watch this one. It's a marketing strategy I think. :)

Cd tray to ipod dock? crazy but true!

So, do you know that little thing that slides out of your computer when you press the button and a cd goes in it? The optical drive? Well, no one really uses theirs anymore because when we want to install a program we can just look to the internet. So if you don't use your optical drive anymore and you own an ipod, you can turn the optical drive into an ipod dock! You first have to cut a hole in the cd large enough to fit the plastic docker that came with the ipod. Then tape the docker to the cd, attach the cable that comes with the ipod to the ipod and computer and you are set! It's waaaaaay cheaper than the one apple makes! But note that you should make sure that your cd tray doesn't close when the computer is shut off or after a certain period of time after first opening the cd tray. Have fun! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

So blackberry is moving forward in society! Instead of just servicing able bodied people, they are staring to move towards the field of visual impairment. They are changing their set up for a multi-tap keyboard user interface which gives auditory responses to letters that the blind hit etc. So you may wonder... how can a person who is blind send or receive and email? Well, there is this program called thunder where you download the software and then the computer or phone talks to them and reads the email. And all you use is the keyboard. i don't know if this is what mr. curtis is looking for... I'm sorry

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

justin bieber!

wow. look at justin. that's all I can say!!! wow!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

The world according to Microsoft in 2019

I have a few questions about this video.
1. How did they do that?
2. Does this technology already exist if they did this video?
3. How much does it cost to use that technology?

That video was actually really interesting to me. It makes me think about my future and what will be in store. I'm excited to see if this actually happens in 2019!See the video for yourself!The World in 2019 According to Microsoft

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Texting in Class? Yes! or maybe no....?

So there are these new watches in Japan that can connect to your phone. You can text, receive calls, see who's calling, and control your phones camera. All from this watch. I say it's revolutionary. I mean if you like to text in class. I see this as a good thing, but also a bad. This will allow kids to text in class and not pay attention, therefore not getting good grades and then getting bad jobs etc, etc. It would just be really good to have and to show to your friends.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Touch Technology

Touch, touch touch. This is the new era. Touch screen this, touch activate that. Well I just looked up the new Delta Touch2O Technology. You don't need to turn the nob, just touch any part of the faucet and there you go! But some may wonder... How do I control the temperature? Well I looked that exact question on the website and it said you can use the manual nob, or when you touch to turn it on, it goes to the temperature from the last time you used it. Other things that may benefit from this technology is your reading light, although that technology has been around for a while. Maybe your T.V. so when you want to turn it on, you just walk up and touch it. There may be more uses but I'm not on the ball today.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Radiohead or 3D Head?

I just watched the video about radiohead and their use of Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics are scanning systems produce structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity, while a Velodyne Lidar system that uses multiple lasers is used to capture large environments such as landscapes. In this video, 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute produced all the exterior scenes. I have to admit, the video was pretty cool... Only for the first few seconds. Then it got boring seeing these grainy images and distorted faces. The quality wasn't that great either. Sometimes it was great, other times it was bad. i know they might have thought it was cool at the moment, but I think it was a one shot thing because nobody else has really done that kind of video. Moving the images in the moving image thing was pretty sun too...again for a few minutes. but whatever. I get quite bored easily. it's not my fault!

My Awesome Jean Design! > indiDenim: Custom Jeans Made Just For You!

My Awesome Jean Design! > indiDenim: Custom Jeans Made Just For You!

I'm a jean machine! grrrrrr!

This is actually an assignment that I actually like. You get to design your jeans! yay! So this is how the website helped me find my ideal jeans: Algorithms. Algorithms in this case are for assessing consumer body size and shape for fitting garments, based on straightforward questions about body shape. The algorithms for this particular website were developed from statistics gathered (and fiercely analyzed) from scanning thousands of bodies. Ok, to get to make you pair of jeans, they first ask you about what colour of wash you prefer, what embellishments you want and what kind of fit you want. (skinny, bootleg, capri etc.) Then it gets to the nitty gritty stuff. They ask you how tall you are, how much you weigh, inseam length, and pant size that you normally wear etc. Then, when you are done, it compiles your results and gives you the price and fabric of the jeans you were mean't to wear your whole life. You know, the ones that actually fit. Mine were 160$ by the time I was done. And here is the picture of what they look like. Enjoy! My Awesome Jean Design! > indiDenim: Custom Jeans Made Just For You! The picture won't show up. Great. :(

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beggin' For It To Stop

I just watched the video that Purina has made to promote its beggin' time strips for dogs. I am speechless, loss of words. How can I explain it? Let's put it this way... Creepy. This video just doesn't seem to cut it for me. It seems very amateur and immature. It looks like a 10 year old made it. I think the company should invest money in television and make a well made, well scripted advertisement. It just looks sloppy and not well put together. That's just my opinion, but whatever. I am not the company and congratulations if this form of advertising works for the company. The commercial sort of came off as disturbing and annoying. And if you recall, yesterday, one of my answers to a question was that avatars should come off as helpful and be there for guidance. In this case they come off as annoying. Something you DON'T want. Otherwise people get scared off and frightened. I know I was.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Get Rid of paperback Books? Ha.

I just read the blog that Mr. Curtis posted about a new e-reader called Que. Creators are seeing it as an alternative to books and to cut down on killing trees and wasting paper. It all seems good. It can roll up, you can see things in colour etc. But the only catch? The price. Unless you are willing to shell out 800$ for this Que, I personally think its not worth it. Yes i would maybe like to have one, but one with the price range around 100$. Right now it just seems over priced. I really like the idea that you can subscribe to newspapers and download books and such. I am torn between which is the clear winner. I like real paper back books, you know those ones from like 10 years ago? But this Que would make reading more easier because you wouldn't have so many books that you are desperate to get rid of when you are finished. For me it's a draw. I can't really decide.

Monday, April 26, 2010

So I have another assignment. Everyday, an assignment. It never gets old. Today, I have to answer a few questions about avatars and business advertising. So here it goes.
Answer Number 1: Things that are key when it comes to using avatars in a web site is that the avatars are there to guide people along who otherwise wouldn't know how to navigate the site. Some other things that are key when using avatars is that you don't want to be too pushy and an avatar gets the point across while being fun and light hearted, and not annoying.
Answer Number 2: I saw the avatar on the stained glass website a few seconds after the page loaded completely. My thoughts on the avatar? I found it a little annoying after I clicked on a few things and then he had to explain it, while I knew what I was doing. It was like I was wasting my time listening to him when I could be done the process. I can see how this would be helpful to older people who do not know how to navigate the internet as well as younger people do. I did however find it quite unique. Say you did need help, the avatar is pretty much with you the whole time you are at the website. And it was quite entertaining.
Number 3: Take a look at the Avatar I created. Hey, no comments because I didn't have the biggest selection of clothing etc. It's supposed to look like me. So no comments!!! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cellphones Cellphones Cellphones

Cellphones. Today, that's all I can talk about today. So I went on another website, and again, they asked me questions about carriers, cameras, corporate responsibility etc. I answered all those questions and I got paired up with the Blackberry Tour 9630 and it's carrier is Verizon! Just like I requested. It is ok in everything, but it's bad in the apps space. I really wanted it to be good in the apps department, so I'm really disappointed. Whatever though, i'ts not like I have to buy it or anything.


I just took a small test (quiz) about choosing a cellphone. The quiz asked me different questions about what I want in a cellphone, and what I really want so that I can enjoy my phone to it's fullest potential. So are you ready for my results? I got paired with:
LG Voyager
Samsung Propel Pro
Sidekick LX 2009
UTStarcom Blitz
Samsung Gravity
They all seem like good phones. I'll consider them when buying a new phone, which i will buy sometime soon. because my old phone just isn't cutting it.

Grammar, Grammar, Grammer

I did the Grammar test a few minutes ago. It was out of 20 questions, and my result was... 18! Yay! I only got 2 wrong. Not bad. I wonder how many other people got wrong. I'm good at English, but like everyone else, I'm not perfect. I can make my mistakes. Whatever. I try. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Is this something to sneeze about??

Personalizing. It's the key to the universe for many companies these days. If the consumer can customize it, they'll buy it. And Scotties tissues is doing just that. For 5.99$ plus shipping and handling, you can upload photos of yourself or your interests and have it as a sleeve around the tissue box. They are doing this so that people have more awareness about their brand name. I have mixed feelings about this. Yes it makes taking tissues out of the box more enjoyable because you get to see your family friends etc. But at the same time... 6$?? What if you get bored of that picture? Are you just going to throw it out? Because like most people in our society, we buy something, like it for a short time, then throw it out. If Scotties is doing that, I can go and buy Kleenex. They have tons of attractive designs which is included in the price. Let's think... A box of personalized Scotties for more than 5$? Or a box of Kleenex with an already cool design for 3$? I think I'll just stay with Kleenex.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Swype-ing or texting?

So I watched another video for business. That's all I seem to do is watch videos and comment, but whatever. Move over texting! There's a new way to communicate in this world which is faster and easier... or is it? It's called Swype-ing. You use a phone with a touch screen and the and instead of punching in the characters, you just swipe over the letters of the word you want to spell. It seems pretty easy, but I think it would take a long time to figure out how to swype fast enough to stop texting and to find texting a hassle. Personally, I think texting is better because you don't have to risk spelling words you don't want to like what may happen when you swype. If you were a business person and you texted a lot, I think swype-ing may be inconvienent because in the title of the post it said time is money, and if you constantly spelled the wrong words you'd lose a lot of money. So the verdict for me is that swype-ing seems cool, but texting is just meant to be in this world, and that it will be around for a long time.


I just watched a video for a business assignment, and omigosh. I am breathless. That was soo inspiring. There is this guy who I think is Australian, he has no arms and no legs. He was giving a motivational speech to a group of high school students and told them that if he can't get up the first time, he will try again and again and again until he gets up. He said he would never give up until he got back up. This is a big feat for a person with no arms or legs. And guess what? The first time he tries to get up, he does. You really have to see the video for yourself, words really can't describe the feeling you get when you watch it. Of course I can't say that in this assignment, so I am coming up with stuff that I feel and think etc. When I saw that guy and heard his speech it made me think that my bad days probably could be worse, so just thank god that it didn't get as bad as it could have.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Business Names(oops I guess I forgot This one!)

So I guess a few weeks ago when I did my band name I was supposed to give a business name. I must have forgot. So i here i go. My business name is Cafe Eclair. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now, but i guess I'll explain it. My business name doesn't mean it's coffee eclairs, but it's a brand for bakery sweets. So I'm thinking this all I need. When I think about bakery sweets I always think eclairs for some reason, so I thought this would make a good name. And the word cafe gives the cafe feel. It reminds you of relaxing and having something for yourself. Now I'm done! yay!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Are you ready to RUMMBLE?

So i just looked over tons of apps for a business assignment and finally decided on just one that looked interesting. It's called Rummble. It's for people and places you love. It's all about finding and sharing stuff you’ll like, as quickly as possible. It's a network of trust. Not only do you get to interact and trust your friends for restuarants that taste good, but you also get to interact and trust strangers all around the world. It's called a trust network. Rummbles recommendations are personalized to you. It's amazing because you may be in a different country and want to go to a coffee shop you heard about. All you have to do is go to rummble, make an account, then type in where you are in this lovely world, a place you are looking for... and VOILA! you instantly get ratings about the place you are looking for. It's that easy. and to make it even easier, you can get this app on your phone, and there is an app for your ipod touch. The best thing is, is that it's all free. That's right...FREE. F-R-E-E. No expensive city guide anymore, just download rummble and you are set. That's all there is. So next time you go to Europe, download the app and away you go. for more info, go to

Monday, April 12, 2010

This should be a good week...

So as some of you know, yesterday was my birthday. I got stuff that i asked for. i got a pair of trck shoes for my track meet on friday, i got a few shirts, money, etc. I also got my FAVOURITE cake that i wait 364 days for... the Dairy Queen fudge ice cream cake. it is to DIE for. yum. today i have runnung after school, volleyball later tonight, and i might start to finish up my science project. tomorrow, i have hurdles, school :( , and thats it. Wednesday i have hurdles. ( hurdles are awesome), thursday i have to run the grave yard run for gym, i have dance, then i have volleyball. on friday i have a track meet in brockville. I am sooooooooooo excited. yay!. Then on the weekend sometime, i'm going to go to RMC to practice my volleyball for provincials next friday. I'm sooooooo excited!

ok, so the picture on the laptop is called starry night and it was painted by vincent van gogh. Art class, you learn something from it.

Friday, April 9, 2010

OK so i was just searching perez hilton's website and came across nobody other then...JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!. you should see this pic. I think this one is the best out of all the pics from the shoot ho did. Alex says he looks like an oompaloompa with his sunglasses on. so i'm not going to show that pic. Im showing you this one. he looks sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute in it! And if anyone has anything bad to say... i'll say it again, i DON"T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!! Keep the comments to yourself! have a good weekend! OH! My birthday is on sunday so.... happy birthday to me!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm Ready To Be Beamed Up!

So i just watched the video Mr. Curtis posted about this guy and an interactive hologram he kept making and then 'crushing'. I found it sort of cool that one can do that, but it's also sort of creepy. What if someone went over board and made hundreds of theses holograms. CREEPY. It looks like the guy in the video had a projector against a mirror... I wonder why. Who knows. I guess I'll look it up on google. But um, it sort of got boring after a few seconds because all he did was create girl, then 'crushed' the girl, created her , then 'crushed' her. I think the guy could make the video a few seconds shorter. That's All!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Soak Up the sun...maybe...possibly?

So I am looking at a weather map from Environment Canada and I am supposed to answer 2 questions. So here we go. The probability that EC got the forecast right for Kingston area right is between 50 and 55% accuracy for them getting the temperature correct for April. It's just chance. Do they really know? They say they do, but really you and i could probably predict the temperature just by observing for a week. Ok, so the area where environment Canada has gotten their predictions right is central Ontario because The percentage is 70-75% accurate. But again, who's to say they just said, oh well we've been right for the past few months, I think we're good for this month too. Let's keep our streak of luck up. Of course I would not respond like that to a literacy test, but on my blog, I like to have more freedom of personal expression etc.

Cry me a river build me a bridge....

OMG I just watched the video where the baby cried at the Miley Cyrus song. I have to hand it to the baby, that is amazing how she just starts crying at Miley. I wonder if that was staged. I do happen to like Miley Cyrus but sometimes she can be a bit off. And the other girl...I don't know whats going on. It 's a little confusing. Here baby sounds are a bit off. But whatever. I like the baby video better than the other girl. And I'm pretty sure that other people agree. But somebody by the name EMMA PETERS seems to think that Justin Bieber is worse and that would be her response. My response would be crying when i heard Justin Bieber. But not tears of disgust, but tears of joy. aaaaahhhhhh. Justin Bieber.

Video for Donations

So there are a lot of assignments for today. Here's another one. I just watched the video made by the Orphans of Rwanda. The assignment asked me what I thought and do i think that this video will help bring the orphanage donations, or not. I think it will help them get donations because people see that these boys are actually doing something productive with their time, and not doing drugs etc. Even though orphanages give off gloomy vibes, this video gives the impression that they are having a good time regardless if they are an orphan or not. It makes people see tat they have hope and they are striving for a normal life. So ya, I think it will help bring them donations. I just hope other people feel the same way.

Bottling Up Fun

So I just watched the Bottle Bank Arcade video on youtube. I think that is a great way to get peoples attention about recycling and doing something good for the environment while having fun... and not make it seem like such a chore. I think that places all over the world should include these fun bottle returns because like the video said... In the span of time that the guys had the fun bottle return out, over 100 people used it. And during that time frame...only 2 people used the conventional bottle return. It just goes to show you that things that seem like a chore don't seem like a chore if you just add fun. I think THAT is the key to the universe. If you make a chore seem like fun, everyone is happy.
:) kayla

Thursday, April 1, 2010

so new day, new blog. let's see. ummmm. happy April fool's day! so lately, every girl in school is wearing a skirt or a dress. i'm sorry, bur first off, isn't it cold out? and second, just because one person wears a skirt or dress, doesn't mean you have to copy.i know they say copying is a form of flattery, but some people have been weaaring skirts the WHOLE week. whatever though, it's there choice and their opinion.right now i am seriously looking up how much justin bieber tickets are. and to sit VIP AND MEET HIM, it costs 2 500$ so if i get a job now, save up my birthday money and i might be able to do that! emma peters thinks i'm crazy. but whatever! its my life, i only get to live it once!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

OMG! Justin Bieber!

ok, so i saw justin bieber's new video never let you go on much on demand and OMG OMG OMG it was like the best video he has ever made! It's so different from what he normally does. i don't know... it seems more mature or something and how i wish was that girl in the video. and i wish i was on that beach that he shot the beach scenes on. It also has a sweeter feeling to it. it's very airy and it's just a beuatiful song. wow. i am also trying to get tickets to his concert either in toronto or ottawa. hopefully they aren't sold out. i would've bought some the day they came out, but i have dial up... and that doesn't work well. so i guess you should see the video i'm talking about... so ENJOY!
p.s. and if you have any bad comments (emma) don't even write them. keep them to yourself!!!!

never mind. the link won't load.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Awareness Test

so i just did the awareness test. its this 2 minute video that tests your awareness in the situation. there were 2 teams, black and white. and you had to see how many passes the white team made. I saw 13 passes and indeed there were 13 passes. but one thing i did not see was the moonwalking bear. i can't believe i didn't see it! but now everytime i watch the video, i see it! soooooooo weird. you should try it yourself! have fun!

assignments i missed. school bus ads.

so since i wasn't here for the past 4 days. I'm catching up on all my assignments. The first one i missed was the school bus ads. To start, here are my three points AGAINST ads on school buses.
1. school buses are seen by everybody...including the children riding them. what if there was an ad for tobacco or something else dangerous? the kids would see the ad and then want to use the product which adults strongly disapprove of.
2. some ads send out bad messages and people would see the school board in the wrong light and give the board a bad rep for forcing unnecessary advertisement. And other groups that fund the school may leave the school even more in debt because the way the school is portraying itself to the public eye.
3. Finally, A school bus is a school bus. it should be left as it was originally. like that lady in the video said, it's a happy symbol, learning, kids etc. and if companies plaster their ads all over it, the school bus is a moving billboard and not the happy symbol which so many people can relate to. it will just be another commercialized item in society.
So after all are three points FOR advertisement on school buses.
1. Schools need the extra money, so putting ads on the buses seems like easiset way to do so. it doesn't hurt anybody, and it doesn't change the way of life for the kids attending the school.
2. There are so many school buses on the road that almost everyone in the town will see the ads and many will relate to the product or service being advertised, therefore buying it and giving the school money without even knowing it.
3. Finally, the school is a place of learning and without funding, the school could not operate, leaving many children uneducated and unable to go to the job world, so the extra funding really helps every child's future and giving them a life that they would not have if there was no school operating.

overall, although i did put 3 points against and 3 points for. i don't really agree with any side. i don't like how they put ads where little kids can see, but the school needs money. Really,what can you do?

Monday, March 22, 2010

today universal...tomorrow the beach!

so yesterday it rained...and it was cool. so we went shopping at an outlet mall near where we are staying. i did pretty good. i got a juicy couture sweater on sale for my birthday, which is in a month. but whatever. today we went to universal studios. it was really fun. the hulk was pretty good. it sorta was cool today too with the wind. but everything i've said has been doom and gloom. cold, windy, rain. we've only really had 2 days with sun and heat. don't worry. i've already gotten a burn. tomorrow is supposed to be good, which is good because we are going to a beach somewhere near tampa. talking about tampa...we went to watch the tampa washington game on saturday. of course, washington won 3-1. it was pretty good. actually, my whole time here has been pretty good. too bad its coming to an end. i leave wednesday, probably back to school thursday afternoon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello from Florida!

so hello from the sunshine state! ha! you guessed it! FLORIDA! uuuhhhh. this morning i had to get up at 3am. torture. then i waited in an airport for 2 hours doing nothing, torure. its cold here. torture. but its supposed to be warmer tomorrow. YAY! i miss you guys and i'll see you when i get back! till then! haha suckers! peace out!
Gibby. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

One Day Till March Break

Ok, so the xtranormal site that we were working on crashed, so we getto play games today! yay! and tomorrow is the start of March break! yay! then i get to go to florida! yay! all around...YAY! so i'm just looking around on different fashion sites and i know emma watson wore this dress a few months ago, but i was just on burberry and they are selling this exact dress. i love the look of it, modern, sophisticated, and of course its sparkly! I also LOVE these juicy couture bags! THe red one looks like candy! and finally, these keds are to die for! i ABSOLUTELY love the colours. They look like a sunset and have a summery vibe. thats all for me till i get back from march break! peace out!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

so this is my second post of the week. i've been sooooooooooo bust working on my movie for business. it was sooooo frustrating because the windows movie maker kept freezing up on me and kept losing parts of my video. but im glad to say tis done.Thank god!! see ya monday! peace out! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

so this weekend i went to north bay for a volleyball tournament. we came 5th. it was a long drive there. im really not in the mood for typing. so. ya. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN BIEBER!!!! thats all i have to say.

Friday, February 26, 2010

peace out!

Ok, so i haven't really had time to blog, theres a few assignments in class i have to do but i'll make this short and sweet. Today at 12:30pm i am leaving the school to travel 7 hours to North Bay with Krissy Berndt for a volleyball tourny! yay. theres supposed to be a TON of snow there. but whatever. it should be fun. I'll be back monday, so peace out! :)

My awesome band name!

So this is for business assignment. my made up band name is... wait for it... Purple Rain. Its pretty cool. you see i like the colour purple and i like rain, for some odd weird reason. so yep, thats my band name if i had a band!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I hate this. my stupid blog thing won't let me upload an image!!!!!! ahhhhhh! :(
hey! so today is thursday...Only one more day till the weekend. BUt my weekend gets to start early because i have a volleyball tourny in North Bay on saturday and we are leaving friday afternoon. so nothing is really going on in my life right now. its sort of boring. The most exciting thing yesterday was that i watched the canada vs. russia game.(woo fun *sarcasm*). On another note... do you know those rumours being spread that justin bieber has a cruch on Miley Cyrus? 'Nooooooooooooo, not my type' he muttered when asked at a radio interview. But then he quickly added 'She's cool. She's nice.' Looks like Miley got DISSED!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

so uh, im just waiting in queue to convert a video on the internet for marks for business. so im just going to go on about random stuff. About 1 in 30 people in the U.S. are in jail, on probation, or on parole.Apple seeds are poisonous.There are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes. hope this interests you!
so this video is pretty cool. they must have been really bored because that must have taken a lot of time."> . But the thing is, i don't know if this link will work. i think my computer is messed up.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

so i went on to the pixar job site picked a job (an assignment for business again! :) )... DIRECTORS ASSISTANT. it sounds pretty cool. if you're a directors assistant you're like the persons personal assistant. you set up meetings, schedule studio sessions etc. you are with the director 24/7 pretty much and you guide their whole life, otherwise it would fall apart. you need to work in a high paced, in demand all the time environment and you need to wrok good in stressful situations and need to handle them correctly. If you got the job, you'd also have to keep close tabs on all the departments for communication about the production and other meetings/ events/. The job is situated in Emeryville, California. It is an interest of me because i love the acting industry and everything about it. i know i can handle/ work in stressful situations and my communication skills are very good, which is a KEY component in the job requirement. And finally, I'm organized, so i think i'd be pretty good. the job just seems like a lot of fun even though it does take a lot of work. you would get to see things and experience things that normal people in normal jobs do not. Woo. that was a lot of typing in 5 minutes. See you tomorrow!

Comments on the ads

So in business this morning we had to watch adds and now we have to comment on them. so here it goes. So first off, the apple ad looks quite scary and dark. it looks quite similarly like a bad dream. Back then though, it must have been like high sci-fi and today it is probably just considered a cheesy commercial that looks like a trailer to a cheesy horror film. its not my cup of tea for sure. but others may like it if they are obsessed or like the 80's sci fi. Secondly, the pixar ad it is sooo funny and cute. its surprising how people can make things like and think up great ideas to get the world to be on the market for the service or product. The laugh is so infectious. you can't watch this video just once. like i said before its so captivating , but its only 30 seconds which isn't a lot of time to do something. but leave it up to pixar and other big corporations to make amazing commercials.

Well today so far is a bad day. i woke up, but then fell asleep and my dad had to yell at me to get me to move. then my hair was sooooo curly so i had to straighten it. it took forever. then its snowy and sloppy outside and i hate getting slush all over my boots. eeek! eeew. did you see the gold medal performance by the two canadian figure skaters last night? it was AMAZING! take a look at the pic!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Well today is monday...again. Im pretty excited for this week because i have a volleyball tourny on saturday in North Bay which is like 7 hours away! ( and i get to leave school early! bonus) this week in gym we're doing volleyball! YAY! Ok, so this weekend was pretty fun. Semi was AMAZING! 3 hours straight of jumping up and down to the best songs... does it get an better?! my mom is a complete embarassment to my life. she flipped the bird to a guy while she was driving because she ran up the curb a bit by accident and the guy went totally balistic and started looking in the windows of the car and making faces. so what would you do if you were in that situation? thats what i thought. and i stayed over night at emmas house after semi with alex and sarah. we went in the hot tub and it was sooooo warm! and i'll let you have your say on this pic. Like seriously Nick? a headband? A HEADBAND! A HEADBAND! A HEADBAND! nick what happened? you looked so cute without one. whatever.

Friday, February 19, 2010

HELLO!! Its friday and you know what that means? The weekend is TOMORROW! and guess whta? semi formal is tonight! soooo excited!! i can't wait to see everyone's dresses. Yesterday i had a good pic of nick and NOW i have an even BETTER pic! does nick purposely pose for the camera? cuz he def knows what his good angles are... who am i kidding? He looks good at ANY angle! guess i'll be back on monday, so till then...peace out home slice!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

QR code!

this is for business... its for my assignment, so don't mind it at all.

OMG. yesterday i had a ski trip with the school and it was pretty awesome. i spent the whole day with my buddy piper because 2 unnamed people left us and were acting weird. but whatever, that was yesterday...Today is a new day! Tonight i have a semi-final volleyball game against like THE hardest team...Regi. Wish me luck! and tomorrow is semi- formal! eeeek! i am sooooooooo excited! i think im going single, but im not sure...yet. no questions asked please. and on saturday, emma invited me to her house after semi to sleep over!! exciting!! HOLY CROW! take a look at this hunk! aka. nick jonas. this pic is sooooooooooooooooo drool worthy. like the best pic EVER IN THE WORLD!!!!! that could someone take a picture at just the right time? somebody has good timing i'd say. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mondays. I hate mondays. mondays suck. i wish they could just skip to tuesdays. well, this weekend i had a volleyball tournament in ottawa. since we won our tourny few weeks ago, we moved up a tier to the champonship tier. we did pretty good considering that the last two teams go down a level and we were the rd last team. yesterday i went shopping in syracuse USA and i found a semi dress. while i was there, i found this really nice red dress, put it on and it was perfect...except the price.My mother refused to shell out 140$ even if i did look stunning in it. :( my dreams were shattered, but i found another dress. its blue and its shimmery and its one shouldered and it has gems on the shoulder. i also look stunning in this dress. so i have everything i need for semi except for a ticket (which im buying today) and a date. WHY oh WHY can i not find a date. like OMG! people are sooooo oblivious. so what if we don't really know each other? people say we'd be perfect together. why oh why oh why oh why???????? i hate the world!!!! well on another note. canada rocks! see this pic.

Friday, February 12, 2010

OMG, Thank god its friday! fridays are my saviour. Except today i have a science test... but tomorrow i have a volleyball tourny. yay!! OMG the Olympics oficially start today and it is sooooooooooo exciting! im excited to watch figure skating and the freestyle skiing. what about you? Nick and Joe eating ice cream...can it get any better??!! How i wish i could be there walking with them and eating ice cream too. but im not famous and i have to go to school. sucks to be me. :(

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ok so. i am in PAIN! first off, my headband is digging into my head and it kills. emma told me to suck it up though. (Thanks Emma!) and since my bracket from my braces pooped off the first day i got them, my teeth are shifting and it hurts a bit. OMG! Did you hear the rumors about Taylor Swift dating the guy form Glee? Cory Montieth? they apparently were spoteed making out...APPARENTLY. I think they would make a cute couple though. And take a look at THIS. I know Joe Jonas is extremely hot, but seriously, whats up with the bandanna joe?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

hey! guess what? I am sitting beside michelle miller!! yesterday the school volleyball team played marie rivier and killed them! i don't mean to be too mean. and yesterday, i got braces. haha

Friday, February 5, 2010

ok, so on wednesday night, Nick Jonas and the administration were on Ellen. Nick sang who I am, and OMG, OMG, OMG it was soooooooooo good. Not only did he sing good, but he looked amazing as usual. ANd last night i had a volleyball game against Ernestown and beat them sets- one set. it was pretty good, and on monday we play marie rivier. I just watched this video and OMG the little kid is soo CUTE! check it out. the vocals are ok, it hurts my ears but the kid is cute you can't deny it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ha ha my first Blog!

Ha ha. in business class. told to make a blog so...Hello World!!