Monday, February 22, 2010

Well today is monday...again. Im pretty excited for this week because i have a volleyball tourny on saturday in North Bay which is like 7 hours away! ( and i get to leave school early! bonus) this week in gym we're doing volleyball! YAY! Ok, so this weekend was pretty fun. Semi was AMAZING! 3 hours straight of jumping up and down to the best songs... does it get an better?! my mom is a complete embarassment to my life. she flipped the bird to a guy while she was driving because she ran up the curb a bit by accident and the guy went totally balistic and started looking in the windows of the car and making faces. so what would you do if you were in that situation? thats what i thought. and i stayed over night at emmas house after semi with alex and sarah. we went in the hot tub and it was sooooo warm! and i'll let you have your say on this pic. Like seriously Nick? a headband? A HEADBAND! A HEADBAND! A HEADBAND! nick what happened? you looked so cute without one. whatever.

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