Tuesday, February 23, 2010

so i went on to the pixar job site picked a job (an assignment for business again! :) )... DIRECTORS ASSISTANT. it sounds pretty cool. if you're a directors assistant you're like the persons personal assistant. you set up meetings, schedule studio sessions etc. you are with the director 24/7 pretty much and you guide their whole life, otherwise it would fall apart. you need to work in a high paced, in demand all the time environment and you need to wrok good in stressful situations and need to handle them correctly. If you got the job, you'd also have to keep close tabs on all the departments for communication about the production and other meetings/ events/. The job is situated in Emeryville, California. It is an interest of me because i love the acting industry and everything about it. i know i can handle/ work in stressful situations and my communication skills are very good, which is a KEY component in the job requirement. And finally, I'm organized, so i think i'd be pretty good. the job just seems like a lot of fun even though it does take a lot of work. you would get to see things and experience things that normal people in normal jobs do not. Woo. that was a lot of typing in 5 minutes. See you tomorrow!

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