Thursday, February 18, 2010

OMG. yesterday i had a ski trip with the school and it was pretty awesome. i spent the whole day with my buddy piper because 2 unnamed people left us and were acting weird. but whatever, that was yesterday...Today is a new day! Tonight i have a semi-final volleyball game against like THE hardest team...Regi. Wish me luck! and tomorrow is semi- formal! eeeek! i am sooooooooo excited! i think im going single, but im not sure...yet. no questions asked please. and on saturday, emma invited me to her house after semi to sleep over!! exciting!! HOLY CROW! take a look at this hunk! aka. nick jonas. this pic is sooooooooooooooooo drool worthy. like the best pic EVER IN THE WORLD!!!!! that could someone take a picture at just the right time? somebody has good timing i'd say. :)

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