Thursday, April 1, 2010

so new day, new blog. let's see. ummmm. happy April fool's day! so lately, every girl in school is wearing a skirt or a dress. i'm sorry, bur first off, isn't it cold out? and second, just because one person wears a skirt or dress, doesn't mean you have to copy.i know they say copying is a form of flattery, but some people have been weaaring skirts the WHOLE week. whatever though, it's there choice and their opinion.right now i am seriously looking up how much justin bieber tickets are. and to sit VIP AND MEET HIM, it costs 2 500$ so if i get a job now, save up my birthday money and i might be able to do that! emma peters thinks i'm crazy. but whatever! its my life, i only get to live it once!

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