Friday, February 26, 2010

peace out!

Ok, so i haven't really had time to blog, theres a few assignments in class i have to do but i'll make this short and sweet. Today at 12:30pm i am leaving the school to travel 7 hours to North Bay with Krissy Berndt for a volleyball tourny! yay. theres supposed to be a TON of snow there. but whatever. it should be fun. I'll be back monday, so peace out! :)

My awesome band name!

So this is for business assignment. my made up band name is... wait for it... Purple Rain. Its pretty cool. you see i like the colour purple and i like rain, for some odd weird reason. so yep, thats my band name if i had a band!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I hate this. my stupid blog thing won't let me upload an image!!!!!! ahhhhhh! :(
hey! so today is thursday...Only one more day till the weekend. BUt my weekend gets to start early because i have a volleyball tourny in North Bay on saturday and we are leaving friday afternoon. so nothing is really going on in my life right now. its sort of boring. The most exciting thing yesterday was that i watched the canada vs. russia game.(woo fun *sarcasm*). On another note... do you know those rumours being spread that justin bieber has a cruch on Miley Cyrus? 'Nooooooooooooo, not my type' he muttered when asked at a radio interview. But then he quickly added 'She's cool. She's nice.' Looks like Miley got DISSED!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

so uh, im just waiting in queue to convert a video on the internet for marks for business. so im just going to go on about random stuff. About 1 in 30 people in the U.S. are in jail, on probation, or on parole.Apple seeds are poisonous.There are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes. hope this interests you!
so this video is pretty cool. they must have been really bored because that must have taken a lot of time."> . But the thing is, i don't know if this link will work. i think my computer is messed up.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

so i went on to the pixar job site picked a job (an assignment for business again! :) )... DIRECTORS ASSISTANT. it sounds pretty cool. if you're a directors assistant you're like the persons personal assistant. you set up meetings, schedule studio sessions etc. you are with the director 24/7 pretty much and you guide their whole life, otherwise it would fall apart. you need to work in a high paced, in demand all the time environment and you need to wrok good in stressful situations and need to handle them correctly. If you got the job, you'd also have to keep close tabs on all the departments for communication about the production and other meetings/ events/. The job is situated in Emeryville, California. It is an interest of me because i love the acting industry and everything about it. i know i can handle/ work in stressful situations and my communication skills are very good, which is a KEY component in the job requirement. And finally, I'm organized, so i think i'd be pretty good. the job just seems like a lot of fun even though it does take a lot of work. you would get to see things and experience things that normal people in normal jobs do not. Woo. that was a lot of typing in 5 minutes. See you tomorrow!

Comments on the ads

So in business this morning we had to watch adds and now we have to comment on them. so here it goes. So first off, the apple ad looks quite scary and dark. it looks quite similarly like a bad dream. Back then though, it must have been like high sci-fi and today it is probably just considered a cheesy commercial that looks like a trailer to a cheesy horror film. its not my cup of tea for sure. but others may like it if they are obsessed or like the 80's sci fi. Secondly, the pixar ad it is sooo funny and cute. its surprising how people can make things like and think up great ideas to get the world to be on the market for the service or product. The laugh is so infectious. you can't watch this video just once. like i said before its so captivating , but its only 30 seconds which isn't a lot of time to do something. but leave it up to pixar and other big corporations to make amazing commercials.

Well today so far is a bad day. i woke up, but then fell asleep and my dad had to yell at me to get me to move. then my hair was sooooo curly so i had to straighten it. it took forever. then its snowy and sloppy outside and i hate getting slush all over my boots. eeek! eeew. did you see the gold medal performance by the two canadian figure skaters last night? it was AMAZING! take a look at the pic!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Well today is monday...again. Im pretty excited for this week because i have a volleyball tourny on saturday in North Bay which is like 7 hours away! ( and i get to leave school early! bonus) this week in gym we're doing volleyball! YAY! Ok, so this weekend was pretty fun. Semi was AMAZING! 3 hours straight of jumping up and down to the best songs... does it get an better?! my mom is a complete embarassment to my life. she flipped the bird to a guy while she was driving because she ran up the curb a bit by accident and the guy went totally balistic and started looking in the windows of the car and making faces. so what would you do if you were in that situation? thats what i thought. and i stayed over night at emmas house after semi with alex and sarah. we went in the hot tub and it was sooooo warm! and i'll let you have your say on this pic. Like seriously Nick? a headband? A HEADBAND! A HEADBAND! A HEADBAND! nick what happened? you looked so cute without one. whatever.

Friday, February 19, 2010

HELLO!! Its friday and you know what that means? The weekend is TOMORROW! and guess whta? semi formal is tonight! soooo excited!! i can't wait to see everyone's dresses. Yesterday i had a good pic of nick and NOW i have an even BETTER pic! does nick purposely pose for the camera? cuz he def knows what his good angles are... who am i kidding? He looks good at ANY angle! guess i'll be back on monday, so till then...peace out home slice!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

QR code!

this is for business... its for my assignment, so don't mind it at all.

OMG. yesterday i had a ski trip with the school and it was pretty awesome. i spent the whole day with my buddy piper because 2 unnamed people left us and were acting weird. but whatever, that was yesterday...Today is a new day! Tonight i have a semi-final volleyball game against like THE hardest team...Regi. Wish me luck! and tomorrow is semi- formal! eeeek! i am sooooooooo excited! i think im going single, but im not sure...yet. no questions asked please. and on saturday, emma invited me to her house after semi to sleep over!! exciting!! HOLY CROW! take a look at this hunk! aka. nick jonas. this pic is sooooooooooooooooo drool worthy. like the best pic EVER IN THE WORLD!!!!! that could someone take a picture at just the right time? somebody has good timing i'd say. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mondays. I hate mondays. mondays suck. i wish they could just skip to tuesdays. well, this weekend i had a volleyball tournament in ottawa. since we won our tourny few weeks ago, we moved up a tier to the champonship tier. we did pretty good considering that the last two teams go down a level and we were the rd last team. yesterday i went shopping in syracuse USA and i found a semi dress. while i was there, i found this really nice red dress, put it on and it was perfect...except the price.My mother refused to shell out 140$ even if i did look stunning in it. :( my dreams were shattered, but i found another dress. its blue and its shimmery and its one shouldered and it has gems on the shoulder. i also look stunning in this dress. so i have everything i need for semi except for a ticket (which im buying today) and a date. WHY oh WHY can i not find a date. like OMG! people are sooooo oblivious. so what if we don't really know each other? people say we'd be perfect together. why oh why oh why oh why???????? i hate the world!!!! well on another note. canada rocks! see this pic.

Friday, February 12, 2010

OMG, Thank god its friday! fridays are my saviour. Except today i have a science test... but tomorrow i have a volleyball tourny. yay!! OMG the Olympics oficially start today and it is sooooooooooo exciting! im excited to watch figure skating and the freestyle skiing. what about you? Nick and Joe eating ice cream...can it get any better??!! How i wish i could be there walking with them and eating ice cream too. but im not famous and i have to go to school. sucks to be me. :(

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ok so. i am in PAIN! first off, my headband is digging into my head and it kills. emma told me to suck it up though. (Thanks Emma!) and since my bracket from my braces pooped off the first day i got them, my teeth are shifting and it hurts a bit. OMG! Did you hear the rumors about Taylor Swift dating the guy form Glee? Cory Montieth? they apparently were spoteed making out...APPARENTLY. I think they would make a cute couple though. And take a look at THIS. I know Joe Jonas is extremely hot, but seriously, whats up with the bandanna joe?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

hey! guess what? I am sitting beside michelle miller!! yesterday the school volleyball team played marie rivier and killed them! i don't mean to be too mean. and yesterday, i got braces. haha

Friday, February 5, 2010

ok, so on wednesday night, Nick Jonas and the administration were on Ellen. Nick sang who I am, and OMG, OMG, OMG it was soooooooooo good. Not only did he sing good, but he looked amazing as usual. ANd last night i had a volleyball game against Ernestown and beat them sets- one set. it was pretty good, and on monday we play marie rivier. I just watched this video and OMG the little kid is soo CUTE! check it out. the vocals are ok, it hurts my ears but the kid is cute you can't deny it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ha ha my first Blog!

Ha ha. in business class. told to make a blog so...Hello World!!