Wednesday, March 31, 2010


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OMG! Justin Bieber!

ok, so i saw justin bieber's new video never let you go on much on demand and OMG OMG OMG it was like the best video he has ever made! It's so different from what he normally does. i don't know... it seems more mature or something and how i wish was that girl in the video. and i wish i was on that beach that he shot the beach scenes on. It also has a sweeter feeling to it. it's very airy and it's just a beuatiful song. wow. i am also trying to get tickets to his concert either in toronto or ottawa. hopefully they aren't sold out. i would've bought some the day they came out, but i have dial up... and that doesn't work well. so i guess you should see the video i'm talking about... so ENJOY!
p.s. and if you have any bad comments (emma) don't even write them. keep them to yourself!!!!

never mind. the link won't load.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Awareness Test

so i just did the awareness test. its this 2 minute video that tests your awareness in the situation. there were 2 teams, black and white. and you had to see how many passes the white team made. I saw 13 passes and indeed there were 13 passes. but one thing i did not see was the moonwalking bear. i can't believe i didn't see it! but now everytime i watch the video, i see it! soooooooo weird. you should try it yourself! have fun!

assignments i missed. school bus ads.

so since i wasn't here for the past 4 days. I'm catching up on all my assignments. The first one i missed was the school bus ads. To start, here are my three points AGAINST ads on school buses.
1. school buses are seen by everybody...including the children riding them. what if there was an ad for tobacco or something else dangerous? the kids would see the ad and then want to use the product which adults strongly disapprove of.
2. some ads send out bad messages and people would see the school board in the wrong light and give the board a bad rep for forcing unnecessary advertisement. And other groups that fund the school may leave the school even more in debt because the way the school is portraying itself to the public eye.
3. Finally, A school bus is a school bus. it should be left as it was originally. like that lady in the video said, it's a happy symbol, learning, kids etc. and if companies plaster their ads all over it, the school bus is a moving billboard and not the happy symbol which so many people can relate to. it will just be another commercialized item in society.
So after all are three points FOR advertisement on school buses.
1. Schools need the extra money, so putting ads on the buses seems like easiset way to do so. it doesn't hurt anybody, and it doesn't change the way of life for the kids attending the school.
2. There are so many school buses on the road that almost everyone in the town will see the ads and many will relate to the product or service being advertised, therefore buying it and giving the school money without even knowing it.
3. Finally, the school is a place of learning and without funding, the school could not operate, leaving many children uneducated and unable to go to the job world, so the extra funding really helps every child's future and giving them a life that they would not have if there was no school operating.

overall, although i did put 3 points against and 3 points for. i don't really agree with any side. i don't like how they put ads where little kids can see, but the school needs money. Really,what can you do?

Monday, March 22, 2010

today universal...tomorrow the beach!

so yesterday it rained...and it was cool. so we went shopping at an outlet mall near where we are staying. i did pretty good. i got a juicy couture sweater on sale for my birthday, which is in a month. but whatever. today we went to universal studios. it was really fun. the hulk was pretty good. it sorta was cool today too with the wind. but everything i've said has been doom and gloom. cold, windy, rain. we've only really had 2 days with sun and heat. don't worry. i've already gotten a burn. tomorrow is supposed to be good, which is good because we are going to a beach somewhere near tampa. talking about tampa...we went to watch the tampa washington game on saturday. of course, washington won 3-1. it was pretty good. actually, my whole time here has been pretty good. too bad its coming to an end. i leave wednesday, probably back to school thursday afternoon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello from Florida!

so hello from the sunshine state! ha! you guessed it! FLORIDA! uuuhhhh. this morning i had to get up at 3am. torture. then i waited in an airport for 2 hours doing nothing, torure. its cold here. torture. but its supposed to be warmer tomorrow. YAY! i miss you guys and i'll see you when i get back! till then! haha suckers! peace out!
Gibby. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

One Day Till March Break

Ok, so the xtranormal site that we were working on crashed, so we getto play games today! yay! and tomorrow is the start of March break! yay! then i get to go to florida! yay! all around...YAY! so i'm just looking around on different fashion sites and i know emma watson wore this dress a few months ago, but i was just on burberry and they are selling this exact dress. i love the look of it, modern, sophisticated, and of course its sparkly! I also LOVE these juicy couture bags! THe red one looks like candy! and finally, these keds are to die for! i ABSOLUTELY love the colours. They look like a sunset and have a summery vibe. thats all for me till i get back from march break! peace out!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

so this is my second post of the week. i've been sooooooooooo bust working on my movie for business. it was sooooo frustrating because the windows movie maker kept freezing up on me and kept losing parts of my video. but im glad to say tis done.Thank god!! see ya monday! peace out! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

so this weekend i went to north bay for a volleyball tournament. we came 5th. it was a long drive there. im really not in the mood for typing. so. ya. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN BIEBER!!!! thats all i have to say.