Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear John

SO we started watching dear john in class today. I hear it's a sad movie near the end. But so far we are in the beginning part and it's quite cute. you know classic plot for a chick flick. Girl and boy meet up during the summer, fall in love, then the boy has to leave for some reason. In dear john it's because he is in the military. Then, to keep in touch the promise to send letters to each other to keep in touch. I have a feeling this movie at some point is going to be a tear dripper, but i'm prepared. Try watching the boy in striped pajamas. Now THAT'S sad. I like how this movie is based off the novel by nicholas sparks. His work is AMAZING!!! You should definantely read the last song. The book is a million times better than the movie. I'm just going to wait and see how this ends. I'll probably cry but so will everyone else

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sinkhole in Guatemala

Check this out. In Guatemala there was severe flooding and then all a sudden there was this sinkhole that swallowed a three-storey building. Take a look at the picture yourself. It's soooo scary. How can things like that happen? It's almost like what you would see in a movie, the center of the Earth sucks in everything on the surface.

Monday, May 31, 2010

worlds top 1000 websites!

So you know, I was just looking at the world's top 1000 websites and a few there looked interesting. So I guess I will tell you what ones seem interesting:
Blogspot is number 7. That's interesting. I thought it would be ranked farther down then that.
I like Bing. It's number 13. I like Bing because it has that trip advisor to tell you when flight prices are going to be lower so that you can plan your trip and not spend lots of money! :)
Ebay is 24th on the list and I thought it would be ranked higher up closer to number one because soooo many people use it but whatever.
Well there's just a sample of what I thought was interesting. I'm not going through all 1000 to see what I like. :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


APP or CRAP? That's the question. In apple's App store there are apps that help parents do their parenting. There are even apps that help manage kids time-outs. I think this is a little over the top and I think old-School parenting is the best way to go. At least you get to talk to your child face to face instead of having an iPhone or ipod touch do all the interacting. And maybe kids are acting up and such because they don't get enough face to face time with their parents and too much time with the screen. It just seems a bit too crazy ans bizarre. Old-school all the way is what I have to say. Hey that rhymes!

My wordle!!!!

Wordle: volleyball


So at pixar they make amazing movies right? That's what I thought. But the people a Pixar have a strategy for cranking out such good movies. It all starts with the fun and interesting layout of the building. It helps all the creators and directors of the movies we love to think creatively and be productive. Instead of having a traditional workspace, Pixar provides employees with tons of out of this world unusual workspaces. As long as Pixar does this, they will be churning out hit movies time and time again. Saying that, I don't think that Pixar movies are ever finished because they leave room for people to think and expand on the subject. I don't think they are ever finished because the it gives the people at Pixar another reason to make another hit movie and rake in millions of dollars. They leave people wanting more so that when the new movie comes out, all the people that saw the previous movie will come and watch this one. It's a marketing strategy I think. :)

Cd tray to ipod dock? crazy but true!

So, do you know that little thing that slides out of your computer when you press the button and a cd goes in it? The optical drive? Well, no one really uses theirs anymore because when we want to install a program we can just look to the internet. So if you don't use your optical drive anymore and you own an ipod, you can turn the optical drive into an ipod dock! You first have to cut a hole in the cd large enough to fit the plastic docker that came with the ipod. Then tape the docker to the cd, attach the cable that comes with the ipod to the ipod and computer and you are set! It's waaaaaay cheaper than the one apple makes! But note that you should make sure that your cd tray doesn't close when the computer is shut off or after a certain period of time after first opening the cd tray. Have fun! :)